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Keyboard Shortcuts - Teil 2

Fortsetzung von Teil 1:

ShortcutAction or command
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F3Search|Search Again


Search|Incremental Search
Ctrl+IInserts a tab character
Ctrl+jTemplates pop-up menu
Ctrl+NInserts a new line
Ctrl+PCauses next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence
Ctrl+TDeletes a word


Deletes a line
Ctrl+ZEdit|UndoCtrl+<space bar>Code Completion pop-up window
Ctrl+Shift+gInserts a new Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
Ctrl+Shift+IIndents block
Ctrl+Shift+UOutdents block
Ctrl+Shift+YDeletes to the end of a line
Ctrl+Shift+<space bar>Code Parameters pop-up window
Alt+[Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
Alt+]Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
EndMoves to the end of a line
HomeMoves to the start of a line
EnterInserts a carriage return
InsTurns insert mode on/off
DelDeletes the character to the right of the cursor
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
TabInserts a tab
SpaceInserts a blank space
Left ArrowMoves the cursor left one column, accounting for the autoindent setting
Right ArrowMoves the cursor right one column, accounting for the autoindent setting
Up ArrowMoves up one line
Down ArrowMoves down one line
Page UpMoves up one page
Page DownMoves down one page
Ctrl+Left ArrowMoves one word left
Ctrl+Righ ArrowMoves one word right
Ctrl+TabMoves to the next page
Ctrl+Shift+TabMoves to the previous page
Ctrl+BackspaceDeletes the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+Home Moves to the top of a file
Ctrl+End Moves to the end of a file
Ctrl+DelDeletes a currently selected block
Ctrl+SpaceInserts a blank space
Ctrl+PgDnMoves to the bottom of a screen
Ctrl+PgUpMoves to the top of a screen
Ctrl+Up ArrowScrolls up one line
Ctrl+Down ArrowScrolls down one line
Ctrl+EnterOpens file at cursor
Shift+TabMoves the cursor to the left one tab position
Shift+BackspaceDeletes the character to the left of the cursor
Shift+Left ArrowSelects the character to the left of the cursor
Shift+Right ArrowSelects the character to the right of the cursor
Shift+Up ArrowMoves the cursor up one line and selects from the left of the starting cursor position
Shift+Down ArrowMoves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor posit.
Shift+PgUpMoves the cursor up one screen and selects from the left of the starting cursor position
Shift+PgDnMoves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position
Shift+EndSelects from the cursor position to the end of the current line
Shift+HomeSelects from the cursor position to the start of the current line
Shift+SpaceInserts a blank space
Shift+EnterInserts a new line with a carriage return
Ctrl+Shift+Left ArrowSelects the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl+Shift+Right ArrowSelects the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+Shift+HomeSelects from the cursor position to the start of the current file
Ctrl+Shift+End Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current file
Ctrl+Shift+PgDnSelects from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen
Ctrl+Shift+PgUpSelects from the cursor position to the top of the screen
Ctrl+Shift+TabMoves to the previous page
Alt+Shift+Left ArrowSelects the column to the left of the cursor
Alt+Shift+Right ArrowSelects the column to the right of the cursor
Alt+Shift+Up ArrowMoves the cursor up one line and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position
Alt+Shift+Page Up Moves the cursor up one screen and selects the column from the left of the starting cursor position
Alt+Shift+Page Down Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the right of the starting cursor position


Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current line
Alt+Shift+HomeSelects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current line
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left ArrowSelects the column to the left of the cursor
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Rght Arrow Selects the column to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+HomeSelects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current file
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EndSelects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current file
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Page UpSelects the column from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Page DownSelects the column from the cursor position to the top of the screen

Last Update: 2008-09-09